r&r diary – “Winter Solstice: Imagine Peace!” – 12.22.23

Hello Beautiful Humans!

James and I wanted to take a moment to say hello to you all. There is so much turmoil on our beautiful blue planet, we wanted to send a message of love and light out into the world, and to you. We wish you and your loved ones a peaceful, joyous, holiday season.

We also wanted to take a moment and thank you for your continued support. Our hearts overflow with gratitude for your generous spirit and abundance of good will for the creative journey of our whitewolfsonicprincess project.

We are still working on new music. Our next album, originally titled, “Seeds Of Light,” has a new title: “Love Without Fear.” 

There is still some work to be done. The goal is to have our new album released in 2024. We are looking forward to an exciting celebration.

Much love and gratitude! – Carla & James

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